Monday, November 15, 2010

This is the work progress

First of all, create a page with black background and create a text layer as the title, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR as the pic shown.
the 2 other picture is take from internet and go through Illustrator live trace and put into photoshop.

this is the other picture from internet and it is a chinese lion head. use lasso tool and magnetic lasso tool to trace the lion head and cut into our main page.

the lion head is flip horizontally by Free Transform (ctrl + T)
using blur tool to blur the lion head outline and it will show more real.

this is the firework picture and i select the lasso tool with 10 px feather and choose which i like.
after i choose, i cut and paste to main page

i do same process as well and i can choose anyone of this firework

i choose some of the firework and arrange as the picture shown. arrange the layer that behind the other layer, 
adjust their opacity. 

create a rectangle shape at belowand the colour is brown.

use the eraser tool and adjust the flow and opacity to almost 50% and erase the upper part of the rectangle shape.

after that arrange the rectangle layer behind the other layer except background layer.
after some arrangement....the wallpaper is form...XD

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

the 1st design of ewallpaper..

i show the 1st design of ewallpaper.. later i will show the work progress of it.
be patient~

this is my 1st design of E-wallpaper

Thursday, November 4, 2010

About Chinese New Year Festival

Chinese New Year, Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival is the most important of the traditional Chinese holiday. It is often inaccurately called "Lunar New Year", because - as part of the lunisolar Chinese calendar - the date is partially determined based on lunar phase. The festival traditionally begins on the first day of the first month in the Chinese calendar and ends with Lantern Festival which is on the 15th day. Chinese New Year's Eve is known as chú xī. It literally means "Year-pass Eve".
Chinese New Year is the longest and most important festivity in the Chinese Lunar Calendar. The origin of Chinese New Year is itself centuries old and gains significance because of several myths and traditions. Ancient Chinese New Year is a reflection on how the people behaved and what they believed in the most.

Information from Wikipedia.

I did something on some of the picture and i transfer it into Vector file through Adobe Illustrator.
I use Live trace to trace some of the unique picture for my further progress.
 Why i use illustrator to convert pic into vector file is because i need a clear and sharp image for my further e-wallpaper.

The picture i convert into vector is shown:

the source of this picture is from internet and i will edit and combine together them into new artwork.


Sunday, October 31, 2010

THE E-Wallpaper

I choose some of the picture to do my E-Wallpaper as my title is Chinese New Year Festival, i decide to have a festival in coming next year. So my main idea is from rabbit and something

this are the picture that i may use to getting some idea 

Monday, October 25, 2010

patch tool and healing brush tool

this is the original picture, u can see that the ocean is unclearly now i goona remove all the dirty spot on background of this picture

 using patch tool 

i select the fish and move to the clear spot and the effect will appear as below picture

the fish is gone. i do this on other dirty spot as well to remove and clean the background

 i also use healing brush tool to remove all the doted spot. press ALT and click a clear spot, and u can remove the dirty doted as well

i also use the tool to remove the title on top of the picture

after i remove it i create a text layer

so this is the picture as below


Using lasso tool to cut some picture easily

the qualities of the picture is not so well because I download from web and do it in just a few minuteXD

 first of all I take this girl~~~~~~~ anime to act as a main object to cut..XD

this is the back ground i choose
using magnetic lasso tool and lasso tool to select the main object

using feather after select the object, this tool is to blur the selected object outline...something like that, hard to describe very well..= ="

paste on the background I selected, and I also change the colour balance of the background.
I also use the blending option on the 'anime' layer and muse drop shadow effect on the layer.

 this is the photo in jpeg file. 



I'm planning to do Chinese New Year wallpaper
I will do all about the CNY event in wallpaper~~~